Selected Case Files Relating to Representation Proceedings


Selected Case Files Relating to Representation Proceedings


This series consists of National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Regional Offices and Washington Office formal and informal case files relating to the NLRB’s processing of petitions for certification and decertification of representatives practice cases that were disposed of by formal action of the Board. Case files vary in contents, but some of the types of documents found in the case files include correspondence, memorandums, briefs, transcripts, exhibits, copies of decisions, hearing officer reports, requests for authorizations, petitions, determinations, orders, charges, statements, and election certifications. Some of the cases have exhibits such as photographs and motion pictures. This series includes AC, RC, RD, RM, UC, and UD cases. AC (Amendment of Certification) cases relate to petitions filed by a labor organization or an employer for amendment of an existing certification to reflect changed circumstances, such as changes in the name or affiliation of the labor organization involved or in the name or location of the employer involved. RC cases relate to petitions filed by a labor organization or an employee alleging that a question concerning representation has arisen and seeking an election for determination of a collective-bargaining representative. RD cases relate to petitions filed by employees alleging that the union previously certified or currently recognized by the employer, as their collective-bargaining representative no longer represents a majority of the employees in the appropriate unit and seeking an election to determine this. RM cases relate to petitions petition filed by an employer alleging that a question concerning representation had arisen and seeking an election for the determination of a collective bargaining representative. UC (Unit Clarification) cases relate to petitions petition filed by a labor organization or an employer seeking a determination as to whether certain classification of employees should or should not be included within a presently existing bargaining unit. UD (Union Deauthorization) cases relate to petition filed by employees requesting that the Board conduct a referendum to determine whether a union's authority to enter into a union-shop contract should be rescinded. The case files in this series were individually selected by the NLRB for permanent retention because the NLRB judged them to illustrate significant developments in the administration of the National Labor Relations Act or otherwise represent the most important cases considered by the Board in a given year. The majority of certification and decertification case files created by the NLRB were not retained as permanent.

436 linear feet, 11 linear inches

eng, Latn


SNAC Resource ID: 11642010

National Archives at College Park

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